Biking in PlaP

Biking in PlaP
Erin Owens and grampa Kennedy


Sunday, January 16, 2011

Sunday the 16th of January

Met Leslie and Terry Betcher on the trail, the Glad Lake Trail, on Saturday the 15th. Also, Hector the dog ( he was enjoying the outing too). The ski trail is in great shape, well groomed by Mb. Parks. And we've been getting some nice snow falls. Nows the time to x-country ski.

I also did an interesting route on skis. There is a connection between Glad and Wellman. A bit of a challenge, open water, willows, beaver dams, etc. Started at the bridge on Glad, crossed that little lake to the cement bridge, then down the creek to Wellman, past Andy Maxwell's, Betcher's and on to the main dock. It's good to have a variety.

Got a couple runs in. One on Friday and one on Sunday. I went down in the Legion Park (footing very good in there). Did a couple loops in there, then up 7th Ave., Arena, Culing Rink, Tim Horton's, Ross and home.

Keep give'n'er,

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