Biking in PlaP

Biking in PlaP
Erin Owens and grampa Kennedy


Monday, February 21, 2011

Monday monday the 21st, feb

Hey great day. Played hockey from 9:30a.m. to 11:30 a.m. When we came out of the arena at 12 noon, it was close to 90*F. Absolutly beautiful in the parking lot. Sandles, shorts and a t-shirt. What a great way to play hockey. And it just got hotter all day. Did some biking around the park and outside the park. Sat around the pool and boiled in the sun.

On the week-end, we went to Corpis Christie and checked things out. I ran early in the morning (Sunday morning). We stayed at the Omni Marina Hotel right on the coast. I ran for about 20 minutes and then began to meet other runners coming from the other direction. I eventually turned around and headed back. I caught up with one of the runners ( they were spread out nice, with lots of running room ). He was and American. Had a camel pack of water on. All done up in spandic shorts and top, etc. I was wearing a cotton t-shirt which was not a good choice as the humidity was very high right at the ocean. He said a group of them run every Saturday and Sunday morning from a restaurant along the strip. He said if I was ever back to join in as they did a loop every week-end. I seen lots of runners in the area.

keep give'n'er,

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