Biking in PlaP

Biking in PlaP
Erin Owens and grampa Kennedy


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

WEDNESDAY the 20 of April 2011

We were in Ottawa last spring. The Tulips were out in full force. They are a gift from Holland steming bact to WW2 days. It's a great City to run in, lots of nice asphalt trails. Easy to get lost, which I did. I had to ask someone which direction was the football stadium. I knew which way to go to our b&b once I got back to the stadium. I made it; Karen was waiting.

I ran this morning. Did the Poplar Ave. Route again. I was hoping for a better time than yesterday. I got it, but not much better. Took me 43 minutes. A nice enough morning for running. Around zero degrees celcius. A little breeze. I still had mitts on and a toque.

Easter Week-end coming up. I'll be running in Plap.

Have a Happy Easter,
keep give'n'er,


L Beach said...

Have a good weekend Garry, I was out this am also but on the bike. Did dryland Monday nite and the foot was really hurting yesterday but iced it real good last nite and its feels real good today......maybe its getting a little better.

William said...

Hi Garry was out and did 4 miles this evening. I feel like an old work horse plodding along out there. Oh well I might be fat but i can still run a little bit yet. Have a great weekend.
