Biking in PlaP

Biking in PlaP
Erin Owens and grampa Kennedy


Saturday, January 22, 2011

JANUARY 22nd, saturday morning

Got my run in. It was -29*C at 7a.m. and so I waited until daylight. Had a couple cups of coffee. Watched TSN while on the satationary bike, and then stepped outside at 9a.m. As I was going out, Karen told me not to "dilly-dally". I didn't. I started running as soon as my left foot hit the back step. It was -26*, sunny and calm. I did the Legion Park Loops, up 7th, Arena, Culing Rink, Tim's, Ross and back home. 34 minutes. Frosted up around the mouth and toque but... not cold. It looks worse than it is. Layers of clothes. Duct tape runners. Double knit toque, tube, two pair of mitts, base layers, underwear, outerlayer. The works - don't spare the horses. Put everything you got on. It works fine. Oh ya, and you won't freeze your lungs no matter what.

Next week is to be warmer. If it gets to -15*C it will seem balmy. That's how it works.

Have a good week-end,
Keep give'n'er,

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